Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Jérémie Detrey:

    • Security of websites: 2 hours (lecture), L1, IUT Charlemagne, Nancy, France.

  • Emmanuel Thomé:

    • Cryptology: 20 hours, M1, ESIAL, Nancy, France.

    • Algorithmic Number Theory: 9 hours (lectures), M2, University Paris 7 (Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique), Paris, France.

    • Introduction to cryptology: 3 hours (lecture), M2, École des Mines de Nancy, France.

    • Training for “Informatique et Sciences du Numérique”, Cryptology, Networks: 9 h, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France. (Training for high school teachers who intend to teach this topic in high school).

  • Marion Videau, teaching at the faculty of sciences, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France:

    • Introduction to algorithmic and programming: 40 hours (lectures and tutorial sessions), 20 hours (practical sessions), L1.

    • Introduction to information system design: 10 hours (practical sessions), L3.

    • Introduction to cryptography: 15 hours (lectures), 15 hours (tutorial sessions), M1.

    • Introduction to information system security: 15 hours (lectures), 15 hours (tutorial sessions), M1.

    • Supervision and jury of M2 students internships: 10 hours.


  • Cyril Bouvier, ENS Paris, “Integer Factoring on High-Performance Architectures”, September 2011–August 2012, supervised by Paul Zimmermann.

  • Benjamin Dadoun, ENS Cachan, “Isolation of complex roots of univariate polynomials with the CEVAL algorithm”, June–July 2012, supervised by Paul Zimmermann.

  • Nathan Lecoanet, ESIAL, “What speedup can we expect in the Number Field Sieve with non-linear polynomials?”, June–July 2012, supervised by Paul Zimmermann.

  • Vlad-Cristian Miclea, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), “Efficient FPGA implementation of finite-field multiplication algorithms”, June 2012–September 2012, supervised by Jérémie Detrey.

  • Florent Noyer, ESIAL, “Parallel reconstruction of a polynomial from its roots”, June–July 2012, supervised by Emmanuel Thomé


  • HdR: Emmanuel Thomé, “Théorie algorithmique des nombres et applications à la cryptanalyse de primitives cryptographiques”, Université de Lorraine, 13/12/2012, [1] .

  • PhD in progress:

    • Nicolas Estibals, “Algorithmes et arithmétique pour l'implémentation de couplages cryptographiques”, started in 2009, co-supervised by Jérémie Detrey and Pierrick Gaudry.

    • Răzvan Bărbulescu, “Number and function field sieve for discrete logarithm”, started in 2011, supervised by Pierrick Gaudry.

    • Hamza Jeljeli, “Using graphics accelerators for problems arising in the Number Field Sieve and Function Field Sieve algorithms”, started in 2011, supervised by Jérémie Detrey and Emmanuel Thomé.

    • Cyril Bouvier, “Integer Factoring on High-Performance Architectures”, started in 2012, supervised by Paul Zimmermann.


  • Paul Zimmermann was a member of the PhD thesis jury of Vincent Nivoliers (University of Lorraine), of the PhD thesis jury of Romain Lebreton (École Polytechnique), and of the “Habilitation à diriger des recherches” jury of Emmanuel Thomé (University of Lorraine).